2020-05-21 11:24:15 投稿人 : 巷子 围观 : 次 评论
Application Fee
A non-refundable and non-transferable application fee is ¥3,000, the application will not process until we received the application fee and support documents.
2020-2021 Academic Year Tuition and Fees
School tuition includes the cost of 3e International School classroom supplies. It does not include after school activity programs, lunch, snack, bus, certain field trips or medical expenses incurred while attending school.Bus Service
Please contact us for 2020-2021 academic year school bus fees and school bus stop information.
国际幼儿园 | 国际小学 | 国际初中 | 国际高中 |
中专中职 | 技工学校 | 职业中学 | 普通高中 |
高职单招 | 五年制大专 | 高校招生 | 专升本 |
成人高考 | 自学考试 | 开放大学 | 远程教育 |
硕士研究生 | 博士研究生 | 高级研修 | 中外合办 |
初高中留学 | 本科留学 | 硕士留学 | 求学问答 |
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