核心优势 Core Advantages
Dual Diploma
teaching content systemization, learning process visualization, evaluation standard intelligentization
4、ACT授权考试中心 AP官方授权认证学校
Authorized ACT Examination Center Officially AP Accredited school
5、一站式升学指导服务 100%留学保证
One-stop college counseling service, 100% college admission
A. 卡文特课程项目
1. 注册美国学籍,出具美高成绩单和毕业证
Register as an American school roll, Calvert transcript & Diploma
2. 中美双导师
Double homeroom teacher
3. Calvert智能学习及评测系统
Intelligent learning and evaluation system of Calvert
4. 纯美高课程,融合国学课程
Pure American curriculum & integration of traditional Chinese curriculum
5. 保证优秀大学录取,目标美国排名前30
Aiming for Top 30 US Universities
B. ACT-GAC项目 ACT-GAC Program
GAC(Global Assessment Certificate 全球评估证书)/ACT(American College Test,美国大学入学考试)系统课程,由美国教育委员会主导,面向母语为非英语国家的高中学生而开设,旨在帮助学生在本国完成国外大学预科课程的学习,突破英语障碍,顺利地进入国外正规大学。
完成GAC/ACT课程,学生可直接免预科进入美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英语、新西兰等110多所正规大学本科一年级学习,所获学位均得到中国教育部承认。GAC/ACT课程是国内唯一包含ACT考试的预科课程, 还可以通过GAC成绩减免大学的学分。
1. 全球广泛认可,获得GAC全球评估证书,中国教育部承认
GAC Global Assessment Certificate is recognized in world.
2. 是国内惟一包含 ACT考试的课程
GAC is the only preparatory course in China that includes the ACT exam.
3. 可免预科直接进入全球110多所大学一年级就读
Students can directly enter the first year of university in the global English-speaking countries
4. 优秀学生可用GAC学分申请大学学分减免
Excellent students can apply for credit transfer in college.
5. 本校即可参加ACT考试
LCAIS students can take ACT test in LCAIS.
C. UP 项目 UP Program(美国名校转学制桥梁课程)
Limai University Pathway Program 力迈UP项目,采用2+2+2高中本科连读体系,六年即可获得美国大学毕业证和学士学位证,为申请美国大学的学生提供一条直通名校的捷径。
2-year Limai High School + 2-year American College General Courses+2-year American University Academic Courses
1. 适合母语为非英语的学生学习,学生适应性更好
Suited for non-English speakers to study
2. 保证录取,直升力迈合作大学
College admission guaranteed.
3. 增加进入美国名校的机率
Increase the chances of into a America's top schools.
4. 免考SAT
SAT free
5. 美国华盛顿州政府与比尔梅琳达 盖茨基金会支持项目
Recognized by state government of Washington and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
AP 特色选修课程 AP Curriculum
AP(Advanced Placement)课程指由美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供的在高中授课的大学课程。对于计划就读美国本科的高中生,AP成绩不但可以抵扣成功申请美国大学的同学入学后相应课程的学分,而且AP成绩也成为美国各大学录取学生的重要依据。
1. 力迈是大学理事会授权学校之一
Limai as high school authorized by College Board
2. 可提升进入名校机率
Upgrade the opportunity of entering the prestigious school.
3. 增加GPA成绩
Increasing GPA
4. 节省费用
Cost efficient.
5. 可申请换取大学学分,提前申请大学毕业
Credit transfer to college.
6. 更易获得名校奖学金
Easier to get the prestigious scholarship.
项目介绍:Program Introduction:
Fairmont Private School was founded in 1954. After many years of establishment, it has grown to over 2,200 students. There are a total of four campuses and was voted one of the best private schools in California. In 2016, Beijing Limai Chinese American (International) school and the United States Fairmont Private School signed a cooperation agreement to establish the first K-12 Fairmont Program in Beijing.
Fairmont High School 3+1 program is the perfect immersion of Chinese and American education. It is a four years program where students study at Beijing Limai campus for the first three years and study in the United States at Fairmont campus for the senior year. Students will receive dual diplomas from Beijing Limai and United States Fairmont schools after program completion.
Beijing Limai Chinese American International School Fairmont 3+1 High School Curriculum Features:
1. 中美高中课程并行,真正实现 “中学为体、西学为用。
2. 学生拥有美国学籍、实现未来美国名校优先录取。
3. 美国费尔蒙特海外游学活动
4. 提前获得美国大学学分 。
5. 丰富多彩的选修课校及校园社团活动。
6. 一年美国费尔蒙学校学习为升入美国名校、提前适应美国生活做好准备。
1.Chinese American high school curriculum: Implementing the concept of “traditional Chinese values aided with modern Western ideology”
2.Student receives American registration. Higher acceptance rate from top American universities or colleges.
3.United States Fairmont study aboard programs.
4.Earn college credits from advanced placement courses.
5.Various elective courses and campus activities.
6.One-year study in the United States Fairmont School to apply for top universities and adapt to American life in advance.
力迈北美名校直通课程 Limai North American Top University Pathway Program
Students study the combination of Chinese high school basic courses and Canadian high school courses in Limai for two years. With GPA results, they enter the high school of the Victoria Public Education Bureau of Canada for one year, to obtain a Canadian high school diploma, and go straight to prestigious North American schools.
国际幼儿园 | 国际小学 | 国际初中 | 国际高中 |
中专中职 | 技工学校 | 职业中学 | 普通高中 |
高职单招 | 五年制大专 | 高校招生 | 专升本 |
成人高考 | 自学考试 | 开放大学 | 远程教育 |
硕士研究生 | 博士研究生 | 高级研修 | 中外合办 |
初高中留学 | 本科留学 | 硕士留学 | 求学问答 |